when I use the instead of @import, my parent CSS sheet isn't properly being imported and by styling breaks. Can you advise ont he best way to import my parent sheet into the child theme sheet? th...
I was looking for an answer as to if it is better to include two stylesheet links in the head or if to include one style sheet with an @import in that style sheet. really keen to know the best pr...
Romit: The caching of a stylesheet is based on its response headers. Whether @import or link is used does not affect caching.
Hi Steve, Please tell the impact on caching of @import & link. If i am going from page to another in the same website and both the pages using same css(which is already downloaded), then will it ...
@Murray I've actually experienced the opposite in regards to caching when using @import from inside a linked CSS file. Basically, the browser caches the files that are @imported and disregards fu...
Marc: The rules are still applicable. Please refer to Joshua Bixby's article https://www.stevesouders.com/blog/2009/04/09/dont-use-import/#comment-4225
... the @import is used in a style element in the head
Hey Steve I was wondering if the rules as you've investigated and tested thoroughly still apply with the latest browsers. The use case I'm referring to is as follows: @import url("a.css"); within...
@bilgi: @import has no effect on caching.
Thanks for the analysis Steve! One benefit to doing something like... all.css: @import url(home.css); @import url(resets.css); etc ... is in development they are all uncompressed and not combined...