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*Thrill Life*➚✌

Star child from another galaxy, sent to help push humanity forward through these harsh times. I feel like a lost soul, forced to live in a reality full of psychotic madness. You can call me by the name of Michael, but what I really am, is just a humble spirit having an experience wherever my focused attention is in that moment. I choose to look at the world differently, only because being different challenges the status quo of what is considered to be normal. Deep down through the eyes of my eminent mind, I see no limitation, I see nothing but dreams waiting to blossom, and manifest into reality. I choose not to follow in that path of normality, only because its clear to me, that fitting in with what is “considered to be normal”, limits my ability to think freely and expand my consciousness to its fullest potential. Its also clear to me, that life has more to offer than this stupid little health diminishing Monopoly game we are forced to play every day.But that’s just me…They say, “You’re born and original, don’t die a copy."But so many people do that! They go through life thinking that being "Normal” is the only possible perception of reality. Therefore they are trapped under a spell of limitation. They no longer venture off and think freely outside the box, onlybecause the fear of being “Weird and Different” is not considered to be “Normal’ in this world we live in.I say Fuck normality!Being normal, is literally like, being trapped in a country full of controlled hypnotized minds that are forced to think, live, and work their life away in search of that materialist success that never seems to meet ones needs. Its like they taunt you from the very beginning. *Here kitty kitty* So then you go to kindergarten, and that’s a great thing, because when you finish that, you will then be in first grade! Then come on!! First Grade leads to Second Grade,Second Grade leads to Third Grade, and so on. Then you get out of grade school. Next yougo to high school! And its revving up! That "Thing” is coming! Then you go to collage, once your done with collage you go to graduate school. Then once you’re through with graduate school, you go out to join the world. Then you get yourself into a job where you’re selling. They have that quota you gotta make,so now you have to make that! and all the time this “thing” is coming, that “thing” is comingthat great success that you’re been working your whole life for. But then when you wake up one day, about 40 yrs old, you say “my god.. I arrived”, your there! but you don’t feel any different thenyou did before. So there’s a slight letdown, because you feel as a hoax, and there was a hoax!They made you miss everything, Its like they wanted you to suffer your whole life, they wanted you to think that life had this great purpose at the end, but the thing is, to get to that end! Success? Maybe even heaven? Whatever it is! But you see, You miss the whole point all along…I choose to set my spirit free, because its an honer knowing that you can truly stand out, be unique, and make a difference in this world.I believe Its those who challenge the status quo that move us forward in terms of understanding who we are, and the nature of the world we live in.Its time to Wake up People, Its time to open your eyes….I believe life is like a musical symphony, and we earthlings are supposed to sing and dance whilethe music is being played. But then again….. That’s just me, a lost soul trying to help push humanity forward. Get Your Own Free Hypster.com Playlist.

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Star child from another galaxy, sent to help push humanity forward through these harsh times. I feel like a lost soul, forced to live in a reality full of psychotic madness. You can call me by the name of Michael, but what I really am, is just a humble spirit having an experience wherever my focused attention is in that moment. I choose to look at the world differently, only because being different challenges the status quo of what is considered to be normal. Deep down through the eyes of my eminent mind, I see no limitation, I see nothing but dreams waiting to blossom, and manifest into reality. I choose not to follow in that path of normality, only because its clear to me, that fitting in with what is “considered to be normal”, limits my ability to think freely and expand my consciousness to its fullest potential. Its also clear to me, that life has more to offer than this stupid little health diminishing Monopoly game we are forced to play every day.But that’s just me…They say, “You’re born and original, don’t die a copy."But so many people do that! They go through life thinking that being "Normal” is the only possible perception of reality. Therefore they are trapped under a spell of limitation. They no longer venture off and think freely outside the box, onlybecause the fear of being “Weird and Different” is not considered to be “Normal’ in this world we live in.I say Fuck normality!Being normal, is literally like, being trapped in a country full of controlled hypnotized minds that are forced to think, live, and work their life away in search of that materialist success that never seems to meet ones needs. Its like they taunt you from the very beginning. *Here kitty kitty* So then you go to kindergarten, and that’s a great thing, because when you finish that, you will then be in first grade! Then come on!! First Grade leads to Second Grade,Second Grade leads to Third Grade, and so on. Then you get out of grade school. Next yougo to high school! And its revving up! That "Thing” is coming! Then you go to collage, once your done with collage you go to graduate school. Then once you’re through with graduate school, you go out to join the world. Then you get yourself into a job where you’re selling. They have that quota you gotta make,so now you have to make that! and all the time this “thing” is coming, that “thing” is comingthat great success that you’re been working your whole life for. But then when you wake up one day, about 40 yrs old, you say “my god.. I arrived”, your there! but you don’t feel any different thenyou did before. So there’s a slight letdown, because you feel as a hoax, and there was a hoax!They made you miss everything, Its like they wanted you to suffer your whole life, they wanted you to think that life had this great purpose at the end, but the thing is, to get to that end! Success? Maybe even heaven? Whatever it is! But you see, You miss the whole point all along…I choose to set my spirit free, because its an honer knowing that you can truly stand out, be unique, and make a difference in this world.I believe Its those who challenge the status quo that move us forward in terms of understanding who we are, and the nature of the world we live in.Its time to Wake up People, Its time to open your eyes….I believe life is like a musical symphony, and we earthlings are supposed to sing and dance whilethe music is being played. But then again….. That’s just me, a lost soul trying to help push humanity forward. Get Your Own Free Hypster.com Playlist.



Star child from another galaxy, sent to help push humanity forward through these harsh times. I feel like a lost soul, forced to live in a reality full of psychotic madness. You can call me by the name of Michael, but what I really am, is just a humble spirit having an experience wherever my focused attention is in that moment. I choose to look at the world differently, only because being different challenges the status quo of what is considered to be normal. Deep down through the eyes of my eminent mind, I see no limitation, I see nothing but dreams waiting to blossom, and manifest into reality. I choose not to follow in that path of normality, only because its clear to me, that fitting in with what is “considered to be normal”, limits my ability to think freely and expand my consciousness to its fullest potential. Its also clear to me, that life has more to offer than this stupid little health diminishing Monopoly game we are forced to play every day.But that’s just me…They say, “You’re born and original, don’t die a copy."But so many people do that! They go through life thinking that being "Normal” is the only possible perception of reality. Therefore they are trapped under a spell of limitation. They no longer venture off and think freely outside the box, onlybecause the fear of being “Weird and Different” is not considered to be “Normal’ in this world we live in.I say Fuck normality!Being normal, is literally like, being trapped in a country full of controlled hypnotized minds that are forced to think, live, and work their life away in search of that materialist success that never seems to meet ones needs. Its like they taunt you from the very beginning. *Here kitty kitty* So then you go to kindergarten, and that’s a great thing, because when you finish that, you will then be in first grade! Then come on!! First Grade leads to Second Grade,Second Grade leads to Third Grade, and so on. Then you get out of grade school. Next yougo to high school! And its revving up! That "Thing” is coming! Then you go to collage, once your done with collage you go to graduate school. Then once you’re through with graduate school, you go out to join the world. Then you get yourself into a job where you’re selling. They have that quota you gotta make,so now you have to make that! and all the time this “thing” is coming, that “thing” is comingthat great success that you’re been working your whole life for. But then when you wake up one day, about 40 yrs old, you say “my god.. I arrived”, your there! but you don’t feel any different thenyou did before. So there’s a slight letdown, because you feel as a hoax, and there was a hoax!They made you miss everything, Its like they wanted you to suffer your whole life, they wanted you to think that life had this great purpose at the end, but the thing is, to get to that end! Success? Maybe even heaven? Whatever it is! But you see, You miss the whole point all along…I choose to set my spirit free, because its an honer knowing that you can truly stand out, be unique, and make a difference in this world.I believe Its those who challenge the status quo that move us forward in terms of understanding who we are, and the nature of the world we live in.Its time to Wake up People, Its time to open your eyes….I believe life is like a musical symphony, and we earthlings are supposed to sing and dance whilethe music is being played. But then again….. That’s just me, a lost soul trying to help push humanity forward. Get Your Own Free Hypster.com Playlist.
