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Champagne Living » Wine

Live the Good Life!

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Forget First Class, This Vodka Takes Luxury to a Whole New Level (with a Seaside View)

Let’s be honest, sometimes a night out just feels…well, basic. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a certain charm to your favorite dive bar, but what if you crave something a little more, well, ...


Bloody Mary Mix and Dry January – my favorite mocktails for the start of the New Year

I normally do not fall for those seasonal themes, so dry January, Movember, and were never really on my radar of must-do’s. But, since I’ve been having some tummy troubles, and I’ve develop...


Zero Alcohol, Maximum Flavor: The Best Non-Alcoholic Drinks to Enjoy Right Now

The items in this post were sent to us by the brand. We do not charge them for consideration or placement as we prefer to retain the right to not place an item that we don’t truly love. We may ...
