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...is not a dinosaur.

This blog is a result of an erroneous mistake; one day I referred to Dimetrodon as a mammal-like reptile in front of a vertebrate paleomammalogist. These animals are not at all members of Reptilia; they are Synapsids - four-legged, back-boned animals that span back 315 million years on a completely different evolutionary branch on the tree of life. Since then, I’ve found Dimetrodon partying with members of Dinosauria across the pages of coloring books and frolicking in the aisles of toy stores, surrounded by lifeforms which evolved some 66 million years after those ancient mammalian relatives. Submit your photos of any number of creatures - Synapsids, Pterosaurs, Ichthyosaurs - that have been tragically mislabeled. For funsies.
