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Father & Daughter #7: "I was so nervous about meeting him....use me and my friends had a Ben Mendelsohn fan club." - Emilia

*G'iah & Talos Daughter & Father #7* Image: https://64.media.tumblr.com/81cce6af7aa5a25d51abe7367b838bd8/9241fcd9ecd4cc5f-5f/s400x600/24d5dd41a157c6f1be0cbfb098ff9206427ab99f.gifv Image: https://...


ADC Nation {Alycia Appreciation} #86: "ADC is the living br...ment of a fearless woman who operates on her own terms" - ELLE

Image: http://i.imgur.com/b7aykUB.png ________________________________________________ *her biggest supporters* 001. Moonlight Rose 002. KeepThisaSecret 003. italiangal 004. bandcandy 005. fire f...
