davidsimonton : > “I remember once working through more than a hundred drafts of a > four-paragraph statement for catalog, all to find > something that would just ke...
fromand : > modern photography
““Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment.”” - Ansel Adams
““By my fourth year in school, I was shooting every day and every night. I photographed every little thing—all my food, doorways covered in graffiti, and my friends and roommates. I torture...
Old scans from photo magazines.
manilacamerastyle : > Autofocus is a relative term.
“I read somewhere that, in the sixties, over half of all households in America had a Polaroid or Instamatic camera, but I don’t think Robert Frank and Garry Winogrand were running around in a...
Rolleiflex and Hasselblad’s masters Reinhold Heidecke and Victor Hasselblad shooting each other, 1955.
fromand : > leica m4 ad
“In the workshops I host, I am often asked why I chose this source of light, why I chose this way of lighting, this position of light, the power, direction etc etc. And often I answer: I do not...
Zeiss Ikon catalog, 1930.
Hasselblad 500 EL, 1969. “The camera that took the pictures on the moon.”
Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta B, 1941.
Leica IIIb, 1938.
Korelle-Reflex 6x6 Candid Camera, 1937.
Konica Autoreflex-T, 1970s.
Minolta SR-T 101, 1970s.
Minolta SR-T 100. Minolta SR-T 101. 1970s.
Canon TL-QL, 1970s.
Nikon lens, 1980.