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Tom Hiddleston: Poor Boy Has An Itchy Tum

Confessions of 20 and 30-something Slore Hiddlestoners. Volitale. Self-obsessed. Don’t play with others. This blog is NSFW (read: we like to say fuck a lot) and decidedly 18+. We curse like sailors, post filthy fanfic, talk about sex, RP & the occasional pornographic image may make an appearance. We ship FrostIron and FrostPudding hardcore and are becoming increasingly enamored with pregnant Loki with each passing day. If you’re a minor and choose to follow us anyway, we won’t feel guilty about the smut we post. Just don’t come crying to us to pay your therapy bills. We won’t do it.When creativity strikes, memes & edits will go up. Fortunately, creativity strikes often in the Hiddleston fandom. A fondness for the random also helps. When reblogging our original posts, kindly keep the caption. We put it there for a reason and removing or changing it is just fucking rude. If you do modify it in any fashion, you’ll get a nasty message from us. Be forewarned.Dabblers in other fandoms, including Harry Potter, American Horror Story, LOTR/The Hobbit, & Marvel. Music fanatics. Some favorites include Aerosmith, Queen, and The Rolling Stones. Have been known to go off on Robert Downey, Jr. benders. May also occasionally fall down rabbit holes leading to Richard Armitage, Luke Evans, Tom Mison, Johnny Depp, Sebastian Stan, & Zachary Levi. We’re still a Hiddles-centric blog, though, & will always come back to him, so just stick with us.We also LOVE to chat, so flood our Inbox with anything-anons welcome!
