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Thoughts ((in Stereo))

Hi this is my blog. It’s a blog dedicated to the things make me laugh, cry, and everything in between. There will be a lot of anime (Gundam Wing/G/Unicorn, Yu gi Oh especially) and numerous references to video games. If that is stuff you don’t like, you probably won’t be amused. I’m in graduate school, I talk like a trucker, and I will never grow up.

Feed: Related:


Hi this is my blog. It’s a blog dedicated to the things make me laugh, cry, and everything in between. There will be a lot of anime (Gundam Wing/G/Unicorn, Yu gi Oh especially) and numerous references to video games. If that is stuff you don’t like, you probably won’t be amused. I’m in graduate school, I talk like a trucker, and I will never grow up.
