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Hello, my name is Emmett. I enjoy dystopian novels very much–I enjoy all books very much, actually–I want to arrange all of the bookshelves in the world, I’m pursuing an education in psychology, I’m an avid nerd and Nerdfighter, I find comfort in the thought that all life happened by infinitesimal chance, I watch Scrubs when I’m upset, I like to play video games, my favorite book is House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. It’s my opinion that the belief that life is inherently meaningless isn’t negative, because that means that humans can and have given meaning to an utterly meaningless thing, and that’s amazing. I get really excited about pangolins. I enjoy creating things, and people who create things. My best friend is my brother. I like black coffee. I used to have a well-written bio, but it was deleted somehow. I love Star Wars, and vanilla wafers. My favorite soda is ginger ale. I participate in French and Indian War reenactments. I like whisky. I have a learning disability, but I’m trying to learn as much as I can. If I’m ever being a dick, I’m really not trying to be. Feel free to ask me things.



Hello, my name is Emmett. I enjoy dystopian novels very much–I enjoy all books very much, actually–I want to arrange all of the bookshelves in the world, I’m pursuing an education in psychology, I’m an avid nerd and Nerdfighter, I find comfort in the thought that all life happened by infinitesimal chance, I watch Scrubs when I’m upset, I like to play video games, my favorite book is House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. It’s my opinion that the belief that life is inherently meaningless isn’t negative, because that means that humans can and have given meaning to an utterly meaningless thing, and that’s amazing. I get really excited about pangolins. I enjoy creating things, and people who create things. My best friend is my brother. I like black coffee. I used to have a well-written bio, but it was deleted somehow. I love Star Wars, and vanilla wafers. My favorite soda is ginger ale. I participate in French and Indian War reenactments. I like whisky. I have a learning disability, but I’m trying to learn as much as I can. If I’m ever being a dick, I’m really not trying to be. Feel free to ask me things.
