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Come on then, Sexy.

Arm the deer. See how brave the hunters are. This blog is full of many random things, but especially: -Art -Books - Cats -Cosplay -The Devil’s Carnival -Doctor Who -Dogs -Drinks -Emilie Autumn -Faberry -Fashion -Food -Gadgetry/Shinies -Glee -Goosh -Hannibal - Happiness -The Hunger Games Trilogy -Husky puppies -Ingress -LGBT stuff -Marvel-verse -Music -My Chemical Romance -Once Upon a Time -Personal stuff -Pretty faces -Quotes -Recipes -Repo! The Genetic Opera -Rise of the Guardians -Snakes -Steven Universe -Umbra Heart and other things as well! * * * Basically what I’m saying is that this isn’t a one-fandom blog. It’s a little bit of everything, with a touch of fandom thrown in. I track “noxcauldron” and “truthcakes” if you’d like to tag me in something. And my askbox is located here

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