I wanted to address the silly end of the spectrum: the concept that sex will become a robotic interaction requiring permission slips signed in triplicate. The problem is we don't have a reality-b...
I was hiking yesterday (23rd) and looked out to sea. This is what I saw. An orange-brown band of dust? smog? all of the above? stretching over the whole horizon. There’s a larger composite pict...
AP has a big, exclusive story based on a graph of a simulation leaked by they’re-not-saying-who from they’re-not-saying-where. This is Proof the Iranians are working on a big bad nuke. Glenn ...
No. No, no, no. This is not about free speech as opposed to beliefs. It better not be. If it is, we’re headed straight for holy wars. I’m talking about this sort of thing: BBC News – Film p...
You know, everyone. Including those everyones who are female. Rights are the solution to the Todd Akinses of the world, and it would be unspeakably obvious if people could remember that rights ma...
The interior of Southern California has been slow-roasting, like everybody else in the U. S. of A. It’s so bad, people are being told to use their A/C less, to let their houses go all the way u...
Via Uppity Woman, a couple of possibly useful links. A malware site was shut down months ago. The infected computers used the bad server to find their way around on the internet. To keep all thos...
Let’s face it. People feel the fat-antifat kerfuffle is a struggle between good and evil. Gluttony is bad! It’s not gluttony. It’s a disease! It’s not a disease. It’s genetics. It’s o...
Vacuuming grass clippings at a sod farm A sod farm grows lawns for people who can’t be bothered with the whole grass-seed-and-careful-watering effort. It takes tons of fossil fuel. It takes hug...
I don’t mean McQueary. I mean everybody who makes this necessary: Man who testified against Sandusky leaving courthouse with a black bag covering his head. And also everybody who makes this ...