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Raya. 29. Fanfic writer. Avid RPer. Movie/music buff. ANYONE WHO COMES TO THIS BLOG AND DISLIKES/TRASHES EITHER SCOTT MCCALL OR TYLER POSEY CAN GET THE FUCK OUT. THERE IS NO PLACE FOR YOU HERE AND YOU ARE UNWANTED. I AM NOW A MULTI SHIPPER. This includes: Stiles Stilinski/Everyone; Scott McCall/Everyone; Derek Hale/Everyone; Peter Hale/Everyone; Dean/Castiel; Buffy/Spike; Harry/Hermione; The Doctor and Rose (Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose, Ten-Too/Rose, Eleven/Rose, whatever, it all works), and the Doctor and Clara. Buffy, Supernatural, Teen Wolf, Psych, Doctor Who, Torchwood, the Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, The Crazy Ones, Sleepy Hollow, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Current literary love is the Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher. Prepare to be spammed with everything I think is awesome. I have given fair warning. Pottermore ID: SkyShadow72
