Ed: re your question #1-as the CCP the NSCC is obligated by this newly novated "contract" to deliver the shares purchased to the b/d of the buyer "promptly" (on or near T+3). If they plead "power...
How come the fails to deliver and fails to receive as published in the DTCC annual report don't match the industry numbers? In both cases, why don't receives and delivers match? Is it because of ...
Dr. DeCosta, I have two questions. 1. Because of novation, wouldn't the NSCC be the one that is obligated to deliver fails, even if the shares are not delivered to them? It seems there are two in...
I just received 2 good questions on the above post. The first had to do with why the investor not getting delivery doesn't bellyache and secondly why his brokerage firm doesn't bellyache on behal...
I'm getting deluged with questions regarding the role of the DTCC in abusive naked short selling frauds.The following is a snip-it from a recent paper that might help. CCPs and "novation" are con...
We all know these BS stock analysis stories are fabricated by somebody. What is still missing here is what organization shorted the company before feeding Gwynn the BS that he did his "analysis" ...
Tar_&_Feather_Them, I am convinced the SEC was designed as an organization to make people think there was policing and investors protection in the market, but in actuality, it was designed to pro...
If the SEC cannot or will not weed out a Madoff then how the hell can they make rules that impact every investor in the world? Things like: 1. Getting rid of the uptick rule. 2. Letting naked sho...
When the law does not apply to the other side. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aOj0VIZjGyXc&refer=home#
Hedge Fund Attorney, What is unfortunate about that ? Play by the rules and there should be no worries ? It is lack of rules and regulation and transparency that has gotten us to what will go dow...
Unfortunately the Madoff scandal has raised the likelihood that regulators will require hedge fund managers to register in some capacity which will have a chilling effect on those managers who ar...
ron doc, Yep, he is still around. Google his screen name and you will see his alias all over the blogs. Atomic Bobs is one of many. He may still haunt IHub as well. http://www.atomicbobs.com/inde...
ron doc, The English firm contains the term DickTracy Here's DD's background... seems he's gone into hibernation... http://ragingbull.quote.com/mboard/memalias.cgi?member=DueDillinger
Ginger,thanks! That is the name I had gotten from a source at the time...My source also thought that he was involved with a so called business consulting firm in London England which sold bashing...
Looks as though the BEAR RAID in American Capital Strategies (symbol: ACAS) may be coming to a close. Stock is up 40% today on absolutely nothing, and the February $5 calls are exploding.