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The LaurenBlair Bitch Project + Logic Police

I’m not actually a bitch! How dare I disrespect myself for the sake of a play on words! I’m an atheist who’s way more into separation of church and state and religious education than telling you what to believe. That doesn’t mean I never hop on the fun atheist meme band wagon. But I’m also a silly, music lovin’, dog owner, theme party participater, and gal who all in all loves life. My blog and it’s social media sister sites: http://thelogicpolice.blogspot.com/ Twitter: @LogicPolice Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/The-Logic-Police/403867729685142?fref=ts (My pages button is currently not working…sorry to ask you to be ghetto and copy/paste!) Music blog: http://laurenblairradio.blogspot.com
