I am going to start posting more stuff about sports,MJ, NYC, movies/tv
and other things that I like. This is always going to be a positive
blog to promote kindness. I will post the occasional general size
acceptance and body positive stuff and still always post an outfit of
the day and some fashion. hopefully I can start to post more of what
the people that like my blog enjoy soon but until then That’s gonna
take a back seat. I’m sorry to the very few people who like what I
do and support me but things have gotten out of hand and i’m hopping
things will die down at some point. I’m always here if anyone wants
to talk you can Contact me: James @ kingstreet2372@gmail.com or at my
kik/skype: kingstreet2372. Check out my online shop selling jewelry
and crafts nyccreativedesigns.weebly.com.