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CompostMania.com is a comprehensive online destination for all things composting, encouraging people to reduce their ecological footprint and reconnect with their local ecosystem through composting, organic gardening, and promoting the Earth’s natural lifecycle. We accomplish this goal through website features that include: Educational articles, videos and podcasts on how to compost Blog posts on composting in the news and reviews of compost products to support best composting practices Tools for composting, gardening and water collection representing a wide range of price points, making it the one-stop-shop for both beginners and seasoned composters alike Founded in 2008, CompostMania serves as a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in composting, including individuals, families, students and communities. From compost basics and bins, to in-depth articles on vermiculture, to state-of-the art grub composters, CompostMania is the resource to either help you get started or expand your composting efforts.
