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The Changing Climate

The Times They Are a-Changin’It’s getting warmer, ice is melting, sea’s are rising, things are changing. Climate Change has my full attention. This Tumblr mostly goes about the changing climate, but also about e.g. the Eiffel tower in Paris, France. I believe that science can do a lot to help us to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change and other enviromental problems. I realize that politician and big companies will do nothing to solve the problems untill activist citizens and shareholders force them to do something. It needs activist in all forms and ways to protect our Earth and future from disaster. Most Used Tags(MUT) climate change global warming climate science science is cool temperature CO2 climate ice sea ice glacier melting sea level rising arctic ocean Much Used Tags(MUUT) economy population energy fossil fuels problem prediction politics measures skepticism denialism activism education media
