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Sound Booth: The wavelengths of myself.

The name’s Kelsey, a twenty year old pansexual who likes kid shows and cute things. I cosplay. I post random things that make me laugh, have feels or just plain make me have some reaction. Hetalian. SNK lover. K-Pop fan girl. I’m a safe place if you need someone to talk to. Thanks guys, enjoy my sound booth.

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The name’s Kelsey, a twenty year old pansexual who likes kid shows and cute things. I cosplay. I post random things that make me laugh, have feels or just plain make me have some reaction. Hetalian. SNK lover. K-Pop fan girl. I’m a safe place if you need someone to talk to. Thanks guys, enjoy my sound booth.



The name’s Kelsey, a twenty year old pansexual who likes kid shows and cute things. I cosplay. I post random things that make me laugh, have feels or just plain make me have some reaction. Hetalian. SNK lover. K-Pop fan girl. I’m a safe place if you need someone to talk to. Thanks guys, enjoy my sound booth.
