The Electric State is an upcoming American science fiction adventure film directed by Anthony and Joe Russo and written by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely. It is based on the graphic novel...
Introducing TRON 1, the first multi-modal biped robot! With its innovative "Three-In-One" modular design, TRON 1 can easily switch among Point-Foot, Sole, and Wheeled foot ends. TRON 1 suppor...
First movie trailer for The Damned. (3 votes - 0 comments - 53 views)
Making water orbit a charged knitting needle in zero G (8 votes - 1 comment - 245 views)
Construction crews have discovered a time capsule deep within the steel bones of San Francisco's iconic Transamerica Pyramid. (9 votes - 2 comments - 244 views)
Cop fails to handcuff man with no hands (8 votes - 4 comments - 335 views)
This pair has been at it for a while (9 votes - 2 comments - 313 views)
There's a familiar chorus of criticism when it comes to renewable energy - what happens if the sun doesn't shine or the wind is calm? But that certainly isn't the case when it comes to tides, w...
Greyson taking a ride (8 votes - 2 comments - 208 views)
The Far Side by Gary Larson is one of the best and most praised cartoons in history. But what makes The Far Side so good? What is the legacy of Gary Larson? And most importantly: what can we lear...