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Big Boys, Ball Sports & Beer

Ok, first off, I’m gay right, and happy with it. Am I proud? No more than I am of being male, or white, or opinionated… It’s what I am not who I am. It only dictates who I like looking at, and who I like to sleep with. That would be guys of ‘fuller figure’. Can’t abide skinny twinks. Nothing personal. Its just me. Other things I like include sports – particularly football (soccer) and really good beer. This does not normally sit well with being gay. Just try mentioning it to the average football crowd and all you’ll get is abuse or, at best, sniggers and whispered jokes behind your back. Trust me on this. And if you go out and round up an average bunch of gay guys I’ll bet you find the majority of em drink white spirits almost exclusively. Go on, try it. I have a tenner for anyone who proves me wrong… That said I know one or two guys that are like me. And I’m sure there must be more out there. So this blog is dedicated to you. If you are such a person be sure to get in touch. However, this blog isn’t exclusively for such people. It will contain random thoughts on any subject I find amusing, irritating or just downright interesting. So if you find them to be similar then stick around, or pop back, whatever. And don’t be afraid to contribute if you have something to say. I don’t bite. Much… ;c)
