Adrian/Annie. 20. INFJ. FSU. Vegetarian. Hella queer. Grey Ace. She or
They pronouns are both fine. I have a pit mix pup named Jersey and I
have two bunnies called Edgar Allen Bun (Edgar) and Victor Bun Hugo
(Hugo) and two baby bunnies called Bun.C. Escher (Escher) and George
Bun Orwell (Orwell)[RIP Orwell]. Elephants are my favorite beings on
this planet; so are giraffes and dogs. I really like art and jazz
music and Billie Holiday and Arcade Fire and piano and soy milk and
peaches and chocolate milk shakes (edit: I’m not allowed to have
them bc I’m lactose intolerant) and all animals and trees and plants
and the moon. I really don’t like the color orange and things that
are cliche and people who yell*[*disclaimer: I cry a lot because I
have the emotional capacity of a toddler okay go]