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Destined for greater things than this.

“There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.”~C.S.Lewis~ I’m Trisha, or Trish.. I play flute/piccolo. I love band and soccer. Pretty sure that I might be majoring in Informatics and branching out into graphic design, linguistics, and cognitive science. I speak very basic Chinese. I might start posting some of my art. If you guys want to follow me on twitter, @tleiter95 is where to go. Also, my roommate and I have a blog! Check us out at: roommate-adventures.tumblr.com/ I don’t claim any gifs or pictures unless it says so under them. I post whatever I want on this blog.

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“There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.”~C.S.Lewis~ I’m Trisha, or Trish.. I play flute/piccolo. I love band and soccer. Pretty sure that I might be majoring in Informatics and branching out into graphic design, linguistics, and cognitive science. I speak very basic Chinese. I might start posting some of my art. If you guys want to follow me on twitter, @tleiter95 is where to go. Also, my roommate and I have a blog! Check us out at: roommate-adventures.tumblr.com/ I don’t claim any gifs or pictures unless it says so under them. I post whatever I want on this blog.
