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The * Travel Photography for World Nomads * Pool, with geodata

World Nomads is a group for, well, world nomads. A group for anyone with a passion for some of the superb travel photography that captures our extraordinary world. Everyone has a digital camera and takes thousands of photos - a handful of which are amazing. Share your most compelling images, but please be selective. We've also developed a travel photo award. Please copy and paste the html code below to award to outstanding travel photos in other groups or photostreams. Let's keep the group growing! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <a href="http://www.flickr.com/groups/worldnomads/pool/" title="greattravelshot by WorldNomads.com, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3286/3024019266_884517a224_o.gif" width="195" height="85" alt="greattravelshot" /></a><br> Please consider adding this photo to the <a href="http://www.flickr.com/groups/worldnomads/pool/">the WorldNomads.com Travel Photography Pool</a>. Our group is for passionate travel photographers like you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It should look like this Please consider adding this photo to the www.flickr.com/groups/worldnomads/pool/ Our group is for passionate travel photographers like you.

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