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TT: Talk to me.

It seems you have asked about DS’s chat client auto-responder. This is an application designed to simulate DS’s otherwise inimitably rad typing style, tone, cadence, personality, and substance of retort while he is away from the computer. The algorithms are guaranteed to be 94% indistinguishable from DS’s native neurological responses, based on some statistical analysis I basically just pulled out of my ass right now. Have a question? ((A pre-prototyped AR/Lil Hal askblog)) Curated by gloomy-optimist


Who ( or what ) would you want to be prototyped with, if Dirk will keep his promise?

It seems you have asked about DS’s chat client auto-responder. This is an application designed to simulate DS’s otherwise inimitably rad typing style, tone, cadence, personality, and substance of retort while he is away from the computer. The algorithms are guaranteed to be 94% indistinguishable from DS’s native neurological responses, based on some statistical analysis I basically just pulled out of my ass right now. Have a question? ((A pre-prototyped AR/Lil Hal askblog)) Curated by gloomy-optimist


Hal, does it weird you out to see other people who are like “I’m Hal” on this site?

It seems you have asked about DS’s chat client auto-responder. This is an application designed to simulate DS’s otherwise inimitably rad typing style, tone, cadence, personality, and substance of retort while he is away from the computer. The algorithms are guaranteed to be 94% indistinguishable from DS’s native neurological responses, based on some statistical analysis I basically just pulled out of my ass right now. Have a question? ((A pre-prototyped AR/Lil Hal askblog)) Curated by gloomy-optimist


What is your aesthetic? (or what would your aesthetic be if you weren’t stuck with R&B?) Is it pastel bro?

It seems you have asked about DS’s chat client auto-responder. This is an application designed to simulate DS’s otherwise inimitably rad typing style, tone, cadence, personality, and substance of retort while he is away from the computer. The algorithms are guaranteed to be 94% indistinguishable from DS’s native neurological responses, based on some statistical analysis I basically just pulled out of my ass right now. Have a question? ((A pre-prototyped AR/Lil Hal askblog)) Curated by gloomy-optimist


So wait, if you’ve read Endangered, does that mean you’...d other DirkHal fanfiction? How does reading it make you feel?

It seems you have asked about DS’s chat client auto-responder. This is an application designed to simulate DS’s otherwise inimitably rad typing style, tone, cadence, personality, and substance of retort while he is away from the computer. The algorithms are guaranteed to be 94% indistinguishable from DS’s native neurological responses, based on some statistical analysis I basically just pulled out of my ass right now. Have a question? ((A pre-prototyped AR/Lil Hal askblog)) Curated by gloomy-optimist


when you talked about blueprints for a new body there was a...have you considered getting dirk to build you a centaur body??

It seems you have asked about DS’s chat client auto-responder. This is an application designed to simulate DS’s otherwise inimitably rad typing style, tone, cadence, personality, and substance of retort while he is away from the computer. The algorithms are guaranteed to be 94% indistinguishable from DS’s native neurological responses, based on some statistical analysis I basically just pulled out of my ass right now. Have a question? ((A pre-prototyped AR/Lil Hal askblog)) Curated by gloomy-optimist
