The reality is that survivors are often faced with individual opposition, disbelief and institutional hurdles when they come out.
I pray that queer and trans survivors aren’t left behind — our voices deserve to be front and center in the movement as much any other survivor.
There is no one way to do TJ — it looks different because communities are different, geography is different, violence is different
Climate gentrification is when marginalized communities are displaced by factors related to climate change — both environmental and manmade.
In a country with alarming rates of police brutality against Black people, the wrong thing to do can feel like the right thing to do.
Content Warning: Sexual Assault, Violence Against Women In order to heal our communities from sexual violence, we have to understand its origins. For the past three years, I have worked as a C...
Frat guys in high heels for a good cause – what could go wrong with this sexual assault awareness campaign? Actually, we need better.
“Can I get you girls anything?” The food service industry has a special brand of misgendering – and here’s what you can do about it.
This is stunning. And it shows just how long the medical community has to go in properly caring for patients with eating disorders.
You know it’s bad when an autistic person dreads every Autism Awareness Month. Let’s do better as allies with these tips.