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My Place Of Solitude and Rest

I’m just one ordinary girl who wishes she had super powers!!! So join my on my adventure that is life and all the ups and downs in it. Some people say the glass is half full, some say its half empty, I on the other hand say why bother filling it at all O.O So come on follow me and you’ll see some crazy stuff as well as John Green, Doctor Who and more fandoms……

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I was a normal fan. Then I found Tumblr.

I’m just one ordinary girl who wishes she had super powers!!! So join my on my adventure that is life and all the ups and downs in it. Some people say the glass is half full, some say its half empty, I on the other hand say why bother filling it at all O.O So come on follow me and you’ll see some crazy stuff as well as John Green, Doctor Who and more fandoms……



I’m just one ordinary girl who wishes she had super powers!!! So join my on my adventure that is life and all the ups and downs in it. Some people say the glass is half full, some say its half empty, I on the other hand say why bother filling it at all O.O So come on follow me and you’ll see some crazy stuff as well as John Green, Doctor Who and more fandoms……



I’m just one ordinary girl who wishes she had super powers!!! So join my on my adventure that is life and all the ups and downs in it. Some people say the glass is half full, some say its half empty, I on the other hand say why bother filling it at all O.O So come on follow me and you’ll see some crazy stuff as well as John Green, Doctor Who and more fandoms……
