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Sweet dandelion moonbaby becca. 21. Cis, pan, pakeha. I hail from the land of the long white cloud [Aotearoa NZ aka Middle Earth & Narnia in one place]. Sylph of mind. So academic it hurts. Currently at uni doing Media Studies/Critical Cultural Studies, nonfiction lit/personal essays, poetry. Shit you will find here: fandom shit (recovering homestuck, StevenFallsOver, Harry Potter, Labyrinth, etc etc etc), pretty dresses and shit, art reference and inspiration shit, political shit, intersectional feminist shit, cute shit, brutal shit, shit that cannot even be named, shit that arises from the void when you sleep and curls its way into your lungs, haunting shit, eternal shit, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
