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Fuck Yeah Yūreis

Yūreis are ghosts that have their origins in Japanese folklore They are often women, portrayed with long, messy black hair, moving slowly and creepily & are often seen in white dresses. If the person dies in a sudden or violent manner such as murder or suicide, if the proper rites have not been performed, or if they are influenced by powerful emotions such as a desire for revenge, love, jealousy, hatred or sorrow, the reikon is thought to transform into a yūrei, which can then bridge the gap back to the physical world. Yūreis often die from suicide, murder, or other tradgic mishaps. They often comeback for revange on someone who has hurt them in their life. The yūrei exists on Earth until it can be laid to rest, either by performing the missing rituals, or resolving the emotional conflict that still ties it to the physical plane. If the rituals are not completed or the conflict left unresolved, the yūrei will persist in its haunting. I welcome submissions.
