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My name is Ana but my team calls me Phil or Coulson. And sometimes COULSAAAAN! (Don’t ask why. Just don’t.) Marvel, Teen Wolf, Doctor Who, BBC Sherlock & Elementary, HBO War, Star Trek, Chicago Fire/PD … See the “About” page for more agent(s) playing Galaga in S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters #BELIEVE IN SHERLOCK #COULSON LIVES (now official)

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My name is Ana but my team calls me Phil or Coulson. And sometimes COULSAAAAN! (Don’t ask why. Just don’t.) Marvel, Teen Wolf, Doctor Who, BBC Sherlock & Elementary, HBO War, Star Trek, Chicago Fire/PD … See the “About” page for more agent(s) playing Galaga in S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters #BELIEVE IN SHERLOCK #COULSON LIVES (now official)
