}SLYTHERCLAW{ wear }AVATAR{ EARTHBENDER }Changing this again because
it’s long and uglyWhovian, old, “middle” and new,
Sherlockian/Holmesian, Quite a few other things but the point was I
didn’t want this long so talk to me to figure it out. c: Basically
don’t be a dick and we’ll be great friends. The shiftingest
pronouns ever. Not “it” or “that thing”. She/her or they/them
are the easiest and most common ways to refer to me. thank. My art and
such can be found in the tags below~ (Pssst here, have a link to the
Celldweller and Midsummer teas I’ve made on Adagio.) THE LEMON IS IN
PLAY{ FLY MJN AIR } Find me on Flight Rising!!