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TMK's The Fridge

As the media landscape around us changes, so do we. What started as a printed newsletter now lives digitally on Tumblr as an ever-changing, digital version of The Media Kitchen. The Fridge is more than a newsletter. It’s a compilation of the ideas, insights, and independent thinking you have come to expect from us at TMK. Why The Fridge? It’s where important stuff goes. And there’s a lot of important stuff happening everyday in the world of media. Visit for our ideas, insights, creativity, and culture in real time. Stay for the leftovers. Friends, welcome to The Fridge! var BF_CapColor = '#999999'; var BF_CapTextColor = '#eeeeee'; var BF_BkgdColor = '#eeeeee'; var BF_TextColor = '#666666'; var BF_WEDJE=true; (function( ){ document.write(' '); BF_WIDGET_JS=document.createElement('script'); BF_WIDGET_JS.type="text/javascript"; BF_WIDGET_SRC="http://ct.buzzfeed.com/wd/Widget?rows=3&cols=1&small=0&tame=1" setTimeout(function() {document.getElementById('BF_WIDGET').appendChild(BF_WIDGET_JS); BF_WIDGET_JS.src=BF_WIDGET_SRC} ,1);})(); Via BuzzFeed
