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League510 hailing Oakland, CA is a team of positive, driven and well established artists (T.K., Mr. Knowitall, Monty, and Blacksmith) who’ve become pioneers in a sea of musicians. They’ve most certainly proven their determination, fortitude and tenacity in striving to desecrate the stigmas that have been placed to separate music. League510 has ranked amongst the best of rising artists on numerous, recognized lists in the entertainment world. These include Mtvu, Mtv Jams, Vh1.com and SpikeTV.com. The group has also toured throughout the United states, which has brought about a major following to their music. In correlation to their love for music, League510 has sought to bring light to a new sound dubbed Town Techno, It takes hip-hop’s basis of beats and rhymes, filters them through an uptempo techno influence, and then liberally swathes it all with synthesizer riffs. League510 is genuinely intrigued by the musical evolution of humanity and have an honest desire to spread good energy through vocal art.
