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Hey y'all! I’m Alana. 23. Klainer. Not tinhatter friendly and I DON’T ship Crisscolfer (although I’m okay to put up with mutually following people who ship CC in a NON-SERIOUS manner, so long as you’re still Will/Mia friendly. Just shoot me a PM if that’s the case to let me know.) FYI if I reblog from someone who is notoriously anti-Darren/Blaine/Klaine, that means NOTHING. I may just be reblogging it because it is an anti-CC post, or I otherwise agree with them on something Chris Colfer-esque they say. I post Chill on occasion. Rarely– if ever– post about Mia/Miarren, but I am 100% Miarren friendly. Oh! Also I’m Flash/Arrow trash and damn proud of it!
