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The Struggle.

Allie. 25. Loves cats and Netflix. Vet student, single af. I tried to have a normal blog but Supernatural and my love for Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles took over. Other fandoms including (but not limited to) and in no particular order: Harry Potter, The Vampire Diaries, Arrow, Marvel everything, Disney everything, The Flash, Buffy/Angel, Firefly, American Horror Story, Charmed, OUAT, Sherlock, the list goes on. Oh, and fair warning: as the Smut Queen, I reblog a lot of smutty fanfiction. I also use curse words and I generally don’t tag NSFW language every time I drop an F bomb. If either of those bother you, mabye I’m not the blog for you :) Happy tumbling! All The Hump Day SmutHave You Read the One With…
