Prompt recovery from a fellow rider and Venezuelan (ft Collins, Colorado) Best wishes! Aqui se dice que en la Lista Falciani se encuentran los chavista...
Great blog. It would be nice to have a story on the arbitrage going on with 100 bolivar bills in the Colombian border. Crazy stuff!
In reply to outsider. you can write to me at
hi, thanks for all your work with this blog. how could i get in touch with you via email?
Please erase my comment: - and then this one! it blocks my twitter...!
Hello what is the actual black market exchange rate (BS VS US$) ? in Caracas and Porlamar. I heard 15 for 1, and some peoples said it will go up to 25 for 1, is it correct?
Pls let me know how I can contact you by phone/email.
Thanks Sam, but the link does not work, there are either extra characters, or missing ones. Can you repeat?