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EXPLICIT CONTENT 18+!!! ******* *Lies spread quicker than the truth so do not heedlessly believe other people’s assumptions* ******* Don’t judge ‘caus of prejudice, jealousy or ignorance,show eachother respect,be compassionate,treat people like you wanna be treated and let them live their lives as they see fit… Don’t destroy ones pleasure just cause you’re envious or don’t understand! ******* 40+ Female… BELONGING TO MY ONE AND ONLY EVERLASTING LOVE ❤!!! IF YOU’RE LOOKING FOR A 'PLAY-DATE’, PLEASE RUN ALONG CAUSE I’M NOT INTERESTED!!! ON THE OTHER HAND, FRIENDS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME… PLEASE SHOW RESPECT SO NO UNSOLICITED DICK-PICS, NO SEX-CHATTING, NO EXCHANGE OF NUDES, NO KIK/SKYPE/SNAP-CHAT ETC. AND NO, I WON’T SHOW MY SEX!!! ******* This blog is all about Me, my life,my rambling thoughts,my selfies,my desires,my poetry, anything that triggers my soul… makes me tick, it all comes from my heart! I’ll post whatever I like, whenever I like!!! HERE TO EXPRESS, NOT TO IMPRESS ❤❤❤ (I will show 'love’ to other people’s selfies, yet I never reblog…my blog is purely a representation of ME and MY life) ******* NOTE… DON’T ADD DISRESPECTFUL CAPTIONS TO MY PERSONAL PICTURES OR MY POETRY AND DO NOT COPY!!!THEY REMAIN MY PROPERTY SO PLEASE RESPECT MY COPYRIGHT AND MY WISHES… KEEP THE CREDITS INTACT WHEN YOU CHOOSE TO REBLOG!!! © Jeanot ♡ ******* I don’t care about age, weight, Tumblr-popularity, gender, size, sexual-preferences, religion, status, fame and fortune…treat me and my followers with respect, be nice and I’ll do the same! ******* THIS IS MY ESCAPE FROM REALITY, KINDLY ASKING YOU NOT TO LINK THIS BLOG TO FB OR ANY OTHER SOCIALMEDIA-SOURCE! THANK YOU 😘 ******* *MY SILENCE SPEAKS SOLELY WHEN MY WORDS CAN’T* ******* Now enjoy this roller-coasterride I call my life…have fun!
