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stfu, believers

Ever notice how people feel the need to plaster their religion all over the web? Ever wonder why? Well, I may not have the answers but I certainly have the proof. Send any further evidence of this disturbing trend, with or without caption, to stfubelievers@gmail.com. Please include how/if you would like to be cited and don’t send me spam. Or, visit http://stfubelievers.tumblr.com/submit. All screenshots are pulled from the internet, no credit is taken for them by the creator of the blog. One last thing: if you don’t like the blog, don’t read it. Duh. Thanks for visiting! Ask me Stuff: http://stfubelievers.tumblr.com/ask http://www.formspring.me/stfubelievers Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/stfubelievers Twitter: https://twitter.com/STFUBelievers Check out my personal blog: http://amazingmissbee.tumblr.com/
