Released in 2023, played on Linux in 2024. Mush your dog sled across cruel Arctic wastelands, driven onwards by a brisk and intense companion, who hired you to take him back to some remote spot...
Loving the new keyboard, an Epomaker Galaxy80 with Feker Marble White switches. My requirements are pretty much the same as last time I bough a keyboard: Tenkeyless layout, or TKL as it's known...
I have some folders of .jpg images that make up a comic. I want to convert them into a PDF to read on my tab and other devices, and import into by bookshelf in Calibre. 1. INSTALL SOME PREREQUI...
envsubst is an executable you likely already have on your PATH (part of the gettext package, often installed with dev packages), which is a convenient way to replace $VAR or ${VAR} style environm...
Directed and written by John Hughes, 1986. IMDB So, way back in my teen years, we had a VHS tape of this, which friends and I played and played and played, probably racking up more rewatches t...
Resolution (2012) The Endless (2017) I only had a hazy awareness of Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, the writer and directors, before watching these movies. But having discovered them, I n...
by Kim Stanley Robinson, 2015 It has long been held by fans of science fiction that fantasy is a lowly subset of science-fiction, or perhaps a disreputable cousin, one for whom the normal rules...
Now witness the power of this fully armed and operational battle station. New job means new laptop means it's time to clean and re-org the desk. Leftmost blue skies Linux laptop (a free hand-me...
by Samuel Delaney, 1975 It broke me. I need to take another run up to this. Advice welcome. did-not-finish
> I wrote this high-level public-facing guide while employed by IBM, > creating the security groups feature for IBM Cloud. It used to > reside > > on the IBM blog, bu...