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About This Blog: Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Definitely for Adults Only, and only those in locations where viewing such material is permitted. “Pussy Mods Galore” - We are not talking feline pussies here, but adult human female genitals, the vagina, the cunt, including the clitoris and labia and possibly even the urethra. “Mods” means modifications which can be caused by piercing, vacuum pumping, stretching, saline inflation, cutting and tattooing, though the latter does not appeal to me, at least not without some of the preceding types of modification being present. As an adult pussy is naturally hairy, any form of hair removal could be considered a simple pussy mod. Temporary mods such as play piercings in a BDSM session will be included. “Galore” means that I hope to post many relevant photos over time, probably most reblogged from other Tumblr blogs, but some found elsewhere on the web. All this is very subjective, one picture may appeal to me, and another very similar one, possibly even of the same woman, may not. For that reason I am not going to ask for submissions, partly because I do not want to cause offense by rejecting anything, which I would be bound to do quite frequently bearing in mind the subjectiveness of the material. I will try to cover the subject of Pussy Mods as completely as I can. That does not mean that I necessarily approve of or recommend practices shown. Even comments that appear to recommend something should not be taken too literally, appropriate professional advise should always be sought. Occasionally I may digress into short themes that may not necessarily have anything to do with pussy mods, though I expect those who engage in the activities portrayed would not be adverse to having their pussies modified! Reference to a “hairless pussy” means that PMG is including one without a physical modification such as a piercing or being stretched. The argument being that adult pussies are naturally hairy, so the removal of hair is a modification. BDSM scenes reblogged by PMG are likely to include temporary pussy mods such as needle piercings, bleeding, swelling, bruising. The term “girl” used in some of PMG’s comments on this blog refers to an adult woman 18+ years old.
