Hi there, I’m Jess (or Jessica but that’s only when I’m in
trouble so), 21, I come from a land down under - aka Australia or
Straya! - the land of TIM TAMS and VEGEMITE. Proud Lovatic and
Harmonizer 4 lyf!!! Freelance Photographer by career but if fangirling
over a bunch of things you’ll most likely see here - like my fav tv
shows, ships and OTP’s, musicians and human beings was my job -
i’d be a millionaire ;) My personal insta: jessmonstahh. I quote
movies and tv shows too much. Dogs so own cats. Pizza is life. Music
is the reason why I’m still alive. Good puns and lame jokes are one
way to my heart. Good food + coffee is another way - I enjoy long
romantic walks to the fridge. I like people: which means that if I
fall in love, i fall in love with the person, not the gender :) Love
is love