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A Single Rose Among the Thorns

Music, theater, acting, drama, power, confidence, beauty, roses, SHERLOCK, DOCTOR WHO, MOFFAT!!!!!!!!!!, Disney, classically trained in video games, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Once Upon a Time, Supernatural, these are a few of my favorite things. Quite literally. Yes, I believe in the Zodiac, I want to play Hamlet, and I cry over books/ films/TV shows all the time. Tumblr has converted me to the way of a fangirl, and I am a huge fan of anything that will make me laugh. ;) My OTPs so far: Johnlock, MorMor, Mystrade, TenRose, James/Snow, Peeta/Katniss, Destiel, Ned/Chuck, MerDer; Any time you want to RP, just drop me a note) I’m most comfortable as Sherlock, John, Sebastian, Moriarty, and Mycroft, but I’m more than willing to try someone new, or a new fandom. ;) Sep 23rd - Oct 22nd{ LIBRA } AVATAR{ AIRBENDER } CABIN CREW{ WEAR } LORD OF THE RINGS FAN{ TOLKIEN LIVES } PRINCESS BELLE{ BEAUTY AND THE BEAST } SHERLOCK’S SCARF{ wear } RAVENCLAW: CentaurRose144{ POTTERMORE SORTED } D O W N W I T H T H E C A P I T O L [ identify ] SHERLOCK & JOHN NERDFIGHTER{ DFTBA }
