I’m lost in life. I live in fandoms: Harry Potter, Doctor Who,
Sherlock, Supernatural, John Green, Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of
Narnia, Star Trek, Star Wars, Marvel Comics ie. Avengers, Spider-Man,
X-Men, DC Comics. I love music so much it hurts, and musical theatre
is a passion and a hobby. I believe that we all deserve to have our
stories affirmed. I’m an open minded free thinker, that is looking
to make a better world for people like me.I’m a tea drinker, a
thought thinker, and a daydreamer. I love to read, love to write, and
love to learn.I surround myself with dusty old books, weird people and
pieces of history. The world will one day be mine. I will see it all,
and record the life I live. My dream is to leave a stack of dusty old
books of my own and, take my very own place in history.