The Robin Williams movie is all the origin I could ever need.
"POOPDECK"??? "A nickname he earned on one of his many visits to San Fansico..."
Somehow sees Popeye in that art style is incredibly upsetting to me... the classic arms and chin just look hideously swollen or something.
You forgot to mention Arcane is in Animal Man #0.
On the one had, I can't believe I never knew that someone had come up with a back-story for Popeye. On the other hand, I can't believe I can't believe I never knew that someone had come up with a...
"And this is why at 18, you get a free rename and to slap your parents."
As awful as this comic was -- and it was dreadful -- it shone like the son compared to that hideous wedding issue Peter David "wrote" a few years later.
I have this comic someplace, it's very ... interesting. I think my fav' bit is that Poppeye's mom is a professional roller derby athlete.
he's RIGHT. that IS one UGLY baby!
is this the one published by Ocean Comics? I vaguely remember that coming out and there being a bit of a kerfuffle about it. Wasn't Ocean Comics (and these creators?) the ones who did Mr. Jigsaw?...