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Thats what people DO!

This tumblr is the oddity of my brain in the form of a blog. />/> Im Cyndi. 21, a night owl & anything but normal. Weird. Excited. Awkward. /> Things I obsess over: Attractive actors. Music. Tv Shows. Movies. Fictional characters. Orca Whales. FRIENDS. Disney and Pixar movies. Lots of books. Nintendo games. Rain. Clothes. Marvel comics. 80s and 90’s fads. Video Games. Dreams. Im in America. I cant decide if I’m left handed or ambidextrous. I cry a lot. Rain, fog and overcast are my ideal climate. Road trips and hotel rooms are my idea of a fun time. I love trivia. I love dreaming. I’m a sarcastic, odd, weird, awkward, paranoid being. Sorry. This is my tumblr, which means I’ll do and say what I like. Its my life. /> body, a, a:hover {cursor: url(http://cur.cursors-4u.net/nature/nat-8/nat712.cur), progress;} Old Sports on my blog instead of swimming with Gatsby
