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Perhaps if I had done what as a new EMT so many years ago I had done, the patient would have been more comfortable. Now, I am not saying take away my morphine and Fentanyl and just give me a pile...



Now Aspirin use has become so prominent that many of my patients have already taken Aspirin before I get there -- either they took it themselves, were given it by a friend or coworker or a medica...



The best bradycardia calls are for the patient passed out in the bathroom. You find them on the floor, cold and clammy, no pressure, pulse in the 20's. We used to give a full amp of Atropine, now...



We don't carry med pumps so the drip is pretty much of an eyeball, and then titrate to blood pressure. When the pressure bottoms, you bump it up. You get a pressure above 90, you ease it down.
