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¡larga vida a la emperatriz Heliogábalo!

Aran. 04/89. VLC, Spain. Unemployed Art Historian, music lover, alpha male, drama queen, worshipper of the Killer Bunny, perfect impersonator of the Grumpy Cat, prophet of urban decay and alienation. All I need it’s a good story. Lee Miller is my hero. This is not an I’m-Always-Crying-About-ASOIAF blog (shut up, of course it is). This is not a spoiler free blog. At all.

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Aran. 04/89. VLC, Spain. Unemployed Art Historian, music lover, alpha male, drama queen, worshipper of the Killer Bunny, perfect impersonator of the Grumpy Cat, prophet of urban decay and alienation. All I need it’s a good story. Lee Miller is my hero. This is not an I’m-Always-Crying-About-ASOIAF blog (shut up, of course it is). This is not a spoiler free blog. At all.
