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Receive! It is Christ in me. The Manifestation of Him. Let Him be Revealed, Naturally and Spontaneously, and this is enough.


Bear It

No temptation has taken you—except that of man; and God is faithful, who will not permit you to be tempted above what you are able, but He will make, with the temptation, also the outlet, for y...


Learn of Me

Come Unto Me. Take My Yoke Upon you and Learn of Me. Become My Scholars, Yield yourselves to My Training, Submit in All Things to My Will, let your Whole Life be One With Mine. Abide in Me! Then ...


God’s Method

God has NOT constituted Christ our example to be copied. He is NOT giving us His Strength to Help us imitate Christ. He has NOT even Planted Christ within us to Help us to be Christlike. God’s ...


God’s Presence

Oh do Draw Near to God’s Presence, Calm Down Before Him, Lay Aside your own thoughts, And Enter Into His Thought. You will then Realize the Significance of Prayer And See in how many matters Go...


Hold Fast

Hold Fast! Hold Fast your Spiritual Position! Their peril was of failing to Keep On Steadily in the Pathway of God’s Will. We all need to Keep It Up Right to the Moment of His Return.



Look Into the Face of Christ and Listen to What He Tells you about How He Will Keep you. Look Up Into the Face of your Loving Father and Take Time Every Day with Him and Begin a New Life with the...


Hope in God

Why are you in despair, O my soul?And why have you become disturbed within me?Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him,The help of my countenance and my God.


Abide in Me

Let us set ourselves in Quiet Trust Before Him, Waiting to Hear His Holy Voice – the Still Small Voice that is Mightier Than the storm that rends the rocks – Breathing Its Quickening Spirit W...



The First Effect of Redemption is Separation. It does not take several years for this to happen. On the very night that one is Redeemed, he is Separated from the world. He is not allowed several ...



If man is Really Changed According to the Pattern Set by God, he must Undergo a Transformation in Inner Quality; that is, he must have the Life of God Coming into his spirit and Must Allow It to ...


Be A Proof

Kept by the Power of God Through Faith. Say to God that you are going to Prove Him to the Very Uttermost. Say, My God, let my Life be a Proof of what the Omnipotent God Can Do. Let these be the t...



We think of the Christian Life as a changed life but is not that. What God Offers us is an Exchanged Life, a Substituted Life, and Christ is our Substitute Within. I Live, and yet no longer I, bu...



One kind of Prayer is Prayed according to our own will; The other kind is Prayed as the Will of God which has been Reproduced in us and has Become our will. How different are these two kinds of P...



JOHN 14.13-14 and whatever you may ask in My Name, I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son; if you ask anything in My Name I will do . JOHN 15.7 if you may remain in Me, and My say...



Binding the strong man is Done Through the Spirit of God. The Power of the Holy Spirit is Needed to Cast Out demons. They are Cast Out in the Name of the Lord BECAUSE the Holy Spirit is the Power...


Will and Thought

As we bring our will and thought to God His Own Will and Thought Begins to be Reproduced in us, And then This Becomes our Will and Thought. This Kind of Prayer is Most Valuable and Full of Weight...


In His Presence

And There In His Presence We Perceive Something and Touch Upon the Will of God. The Greatest Wisdom Comes from This Very Source. By This, our will Enters Into His Will and our thought Enters Into...


Sink Down

It is when we Sink Down in Utter Helplessness that the Everlasting God Will Reveal Himself in His Power and that our hearts Will Learn to Trust God Alone.
