In the 7th and final installment of our long running series with History of Westeros on the Dance of the Dragons, we cover the beginning of the reign of Aegon III, including the long awaited arri...
Come with us to the furthest points of the compass! From Sothoryos to the Sunset Sea to Asshai and, finally, the Lands of Always Winter in the extreme north. What do we know about these far-away ...
In this episode we cover the Conquest of Westeros by the dragon lord Aegon Targaryen– the battles fought and the kings who burned and died defiantly, as well as those who knelt or flew; and how...
We’re back with an episode all about the Night’s Watch in the post-Conquest era — covering all the notable characters and events, the reasons for the slow decline of the organization, its r...
We explore the history of the Valyrian Freehold from their defeat of the Rhoynar up to the Doom, the Century of Blood, and the opening salvo of the surviving Valyrian conquest of Westeros. Listen...
We explore the history of the Night’s Watch, from its foundation in the Age Heroes up to the Conquest. Along the way we look at the Wall and its castles, notable past members, the culture of th...
The odyssey of Nymeria and the Rhoynar is one of the great Westerosi legends and we begin our exploration of the third great migration from Essos with a look at Rhoynish history and culture, as w...
In the sixth installment of our series with History of Westeros on the Dance of the Dragons, House Targaryen reaches its lowest point yet and the action ends up back where we started – at the R...
We continue our loose series on the various ethnic groups of Westeros with a deep dive on the Andals and the Andal invasion, the second mass human migration from Essos into Westeros, and arguably...
Covering Arya’s arc from her final post-Red Wedding chapters in ASOS, through her five chapters set in Braavos, we explore the development of Arya’s unique skill set — skinchanging, face-ch...